Since when has the Olympics NOT been political?
China... upon winning the world-wide stage
that this olympic spectacle automatically brings...
deserves to be scrutinized for it's behaviour!
Tibetans ARE being persecuted...
and the world is open to criticize China
for it's hard-handed treatment.
It does beg the question however...
"which country on this planet is free of sin
when it comes to its own record?".
At the end of the day... if I had to decide...
I am really leaning toward the underdog...
and applauding the student activism
that is forcing the issue (at long last... or still)
to the front of this world spectacle.
In its essence... the Olympics torch
should represent the nations of the world
competing on a level playing field...
not a military baton cracking the skulls
of a tiny nation!
C'mon China... you're looking real bad...
and at a time when you have the chance to
represent a "better" new world order.